The SUDS exec is looking to form a sub-committee for Wellbeing comprised of one lucky individual! This is an opportunity for anyone who would like to be the wellbeing-officer of the remaining 5 slots of the SUDS season (6, 7, 8, 9 & 10) and act as a liaison to the executive team and the members of each slot!
Next semester, when we can host our first GM, we will constitutionally vote this position onto the executive team (and officially vote in our 13th member!). We will be hosting interviews next Wednesday from 12-1pm, and anyone who hadn’t planned on pitching/auditioning/interviewing for the remaining slots in 2023 and has an interest in Wellbeing should apply!
Being a wellbeing officer is a very fun and rewarding experience. You practice your inter-personal skills, problem solving, compassion, kindness and care. You’d also sit in on our executive meetings, contribute to discussions and decision making, and see how the sausage gets made!
The 2023 SUDS exec has seen the precedent set by other executive teams at USYD and at other universities, and feels that a new portfolio for Wellbeing is essential to the functioning and prosperity of our society. Please, fill out the form, have a chat with us, and let us know the kind of person you are, your experience with SUDS, and how you’d like to define this role with us! We’re so excited to have you join our team for the second half of the year.
We will be announcing our new Wellbeing Officer at an Ordinary Meeting next Thursday on zoom!
See Clause 6.7 c) of our Constitution:
6.7. An Ordinary Meeting of the Society has power to carry motions relating to the affairs of the Society by a simple majority vote of those members present and voting, including:
a. Giving direction to the Executive
b. Determining the use of the finances and other assets of the Society
c. Instituting Committees for any purpose of the Society and co-opting Society members onto any Committee