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SUDS Cast Auditions: Heat Lightning

  • The Cellar Theatre Sydney Australia (map)

SUDS Auditions: Heat Lightning

Written by Leon Abrams and George Abbott
Adapted by Pearl Cardis

Show Dates: 3-5 February, 2023 (SUMMER SEASON)
The Cellar Theatre
Directed by Pearl Cardis and Emma Johns
Produced by Katarina Butler
Music led by Margot Roberts


Two sisters operating a gas station in the middle of the desiccated Californian desert have very different intentions. Olga wants to escape her past, Myra wants to create her future. When two perps stop in on their way to cross the border, things get complicated.

Heat Lightning is infused with atmosphere, a mix of lackadaisical waiting and sinister yearning on an endless night. Sex permeates the air as something forbidden but limiting; any escape it offers comes at a price.

This Noir Western was banned by the Catholic Legion of Decency soon after it was published, and with rampant female sexuality, bespangled & thriving divorcees, guns, a jaundiced view of love and a butch female protagonist who’d rather be a mechanic than a gangster's moll, we can see why. Ninety years later, we’re brushing off the censors’ dust and bringing this beauty to life in all its thirties glory.

Camp theatricality mingles with touching sincerity in this strikingly modern commentary on gender, class, and love.


This play is a fantastic combination of both comedic and dramatic elements, so we are looking for actors who are willing to take on some really meaty and exciting roles. Olga, Myra, George and Jeff are played by one actor each, and are much more serious than the other characters, though Myra and Jeff can certainly be played for comedy at times. Olga and Myra are particularly complex, encountering or having already dealt with trauma and disillusionment in their lives.

The other seven roles are much more comedic, and are to be played by three ensemble actors, who’ll each be playing a primary role of Feathers, Tinkles or Frank, plus smaller roles which add personality, stakes and texture to the world. We would love to see some strong character actors demonstrate their range across these characters from all walks of life.

OLGA (f): Has seen too much of the world, she wears her overalls with the same unadorned stolidity as the unimpressed expression on her face. Deeply caring but often seen as “blessed” with cool indifference due to her no-nonsense attitude and masculine profession.

MYRA (f): Still young and aches to see the world; she’s met a guy in town who promises to show it to her. As Olga’s younger sister she works at the gas station, but longs to be one of the customers passing through. Sincere yet illogical, she longs for an independence she may not yet be mature enough for.

GEORGE (m): Psychopathic, charming and calculated, Olga’s ex-boyfriend is on the run from the law, having orchestrated a robbery in which he shot both bank tellers. Now, he’s after more, and he believes he can use Olga to get it.

JEFF (m): George’s deeply regretful accomplice. Wracked by guilt and too nervous to stand up to George, he follows along with plans protestingly, knowing he’s trapped into compliance by what he’s already done.

FEATHERS & TINKLES (f): An ever-competing pair of raucous divorcées (giving Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker but sexy) with jewels and diamonds in tow, both constantly making small digs at each other and both interested in a dalliance with their chauffeur.

FRANK (any): an easygoing chauffeur for Feathers and Tinkles who's tired of driving and good at faking car troubles. Got too much of a big mouth for their own good.
EVERETT (m): An honest, well-mannered rancher with his head screwed on tight and a sweet spot for Olga

GLADYS (f): Cantankerous, pessimistic, my way or the highway sort of boomer. When her car breaks down in the desert she has her husband push her in it all the way to the nearest pit stop.

HERBERT (m): Gladys’ longsuffering boomer husband. Bumbling, maladroit and totally submissive to his wife yet a little too ‘compensating’-y in his overbearing masculinity towards Olga as she fixes his car.

ASPIRING HOLLYWOOD ACTRESSES (f): Coquettish dreamers ready to follow the winds of fortune. Flirtatious, ambitious and thoroughly unimpressed with the lecturings of the elderly ‘thigh pincher’ who’s currently driving them as they hitch-hike to Hollywood.

STEVE (m): Nasty older guy Myra is seeing, kind of manipulative and definitely exploitative

OLD MAN (m): Kind of sweet and grandfatherly, kind of a creep in that way old men so often are. Has picked up the Hollywood girls in their hitch-hiking and is apparently trying (without success) to teach them proper womanly behaviour

SHERIFF (m): Polite officer, appears briefly when searching for George and Jeff and leaves when Olga vouches for them.


Please prepare one of the following pieces for the audition:

Just because you’re only learning one monologue, doesn’t mean you’re limited to applying for just one role! Please select as many characters as you’re interested in playing. Past acting experience is not necessary but please be passionate and prepared! We do not expect you to have memorised the monologue for your audition (though we’ll be impressed if you can), but we strongly encourage you to think about how you can bring the spirit of the late 20s/early 30s into your performance!

Auditions run from the 13th to the 30th. If you have any concerns about timing, location, preparation, or anything at all, feel free to contact Pearl, Emma (directors), or Kat (producer) at

Thanks again for your interest, and looking forward to meeting you!